Monday, March 25, 2013

CHECKING IN: Getting stronger .

I've been doing same routine for a little over two weeks and I've increased the weight for most of my lifts! I really enjoy doing four sets with high repetitions. The first 20 repetition set acts as a warm-up for that particular lift, then the following two sets of 15 give me a really pump. The final set of twelve repetitions is challenging, but that's what's making me stronger.

Speaking of getting stronger, I've been taking a supplement that helps me protect my muscle mass and strength during a workout and during times of caloric deficit. Its called Catalyst. On my off-days (two days per week) I take two caps with the "Before Breakfast Color Pack." The other five days of the week I take two caps 10-15 minutes before my workout. I've noticed an increase in my strength and energy levels during workout and more consistent energy overall.

I think I'm going to do this routine for two more weeks then change it up. I also am working on tweeking my diet. I think I'm going to try carb-cycling...


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